Thursday, November 03, 2005

Pilgrums first turkey

NA Hello welcome to pilgrums 1st turkey written by spasllim kcirtap nosugref.
Act 1
pilgrum 1 Oh i love Eatin corn
Chorus yes we do X3
pilgrum 2 Same as mashed patatoes
Chorus Potates and corn
Captian Coly Were gettin a headache boys
Mayor of ssorg sdoof lets quest
evryone exept cc and mayor a quest
mayor For better food
evryone YEAH
NA so they traveled across the land they tried Norway but they threw up they tried Sweeden but it had MSG Until They hit STATE without name
Chourus yeeeeee toooown with no nameeee it burns us with hunger I hope theyre not like norwayyyyyy ye town with no nameeeeee
Na so they went and thound the Stick guy tribe
tribe Must Give strangers food
Turkeys OH im a stupid turky as stupid as they come chop my hed fill it with bread and go and suck your
chourus go and suck your thumb
na so they ate and ate the end
editors note SB link sat

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