Thursday, October 11, 2007

Who is hannah montana?

There are very many wrongs in this world war poverty combination locks but out of all things on this planet we call earth there is one stupid littlething its called disney channel not all of that rathole channel just non walt disney crap i mean walt was dead even before the disney channels begginig but somewee walts watching high school musical throwing miniature trains at Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus . now honestly nobody watches that crap cause of the plot no its cause zac efron looks like a young ken doll or a girl . but even thogh HSM is a bigger problem problem it has a ok moral like " be yourself" and all that morality crap that you find in Dalai Llamma wise peaceful bubble gum . Hannah Montana has a stupid moral but For those of you who do not have a daughter or a sister or a life here is the plot Hannah montana is a stupid girl named miley with a redneck type of bonjovi dad and a brother who needs to run away in season 3 with stupid freinds named lily who looks hotter than miley and oliver whos the bad seed in a potato patch bt mily is a famous pop star but wants to go to a public school so she keeps it secret. now ocassianly this is funny but when the hannah montana cd came out things got ugly her songs are like an other teen disney star STUPID and PREWRITTEN so if anyone like i dont know Kenny ortega or Billy ray cyrus wants to complain go ahead i need a colledge education