Thursday, April 29, 2004

Title insporation

i first thought of the title ardens hopes and dreams NEVER come true. but then mom said if it comes true
it isnt a hope or a dream! but i remebered my favorite book SERIES OF UNFORTANATE EVENTS !
the mono blog so i made the Monocle blog!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

cereal bars

you shouldnt eat ceral bars even though you can eat in the car but if you go to far youl need a candy bar
called tar bars your toung would slide cause hang glide but me cats think im very fat so dont think im dumb cuase wrighting this poem was a bumb

The dumb music 20 times dumber than your own!

Wednesdays I have music and Mrs. millsaps said "we will play a game today". i thought OH BOY A GAME la la la. So we standed in a oval triangle shape. And one guy danced but we had to SING! And when the it got to the time to be out they said pick me! So beware of MC graw hill!

Monday, April 26, 2004

alarm clock for you but a tv for me!

you see i got this tv and i only play gamecube with it.
It`s strange that my dad wanted to check my tv. but then it said clock? my dad turned that on! and i thought in the morning it would say GOOD MORNING BIKINI BOTTOM ! so anyway i went to BED
but when i woke up it was on! it didnt say it.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

paws or fins?

Today we got this brocure paws how to get a pet. And I thought not all animals have hands like you remeber the song you are a human animal? You have hands and fish have fins and octopuses have tentecles! I say they need a better name. also they dont know what I dont think they realize!
animals have not just paws they somtimes have fins !

robots did it


My sister once saw this video game Sonic adventure 2 battle. so anyway I started playing it and I found the chao key and she loved once I went to the CHAO GARDEN and I stoped it ! she said CHAO TIME STEALER!
whenever I put in that game she says chao garden?