Wednesday, July 28, 2004

in a galaxy far away one speical picture

in the freaky regions of outer space one man goes up into the celastreal attic comes one picture will be shown on earth to laugh at humanity and all man kind shows a cruel space ship
that wont move a mussel one a 5 year old could drive to use a milk beam at the earth one with a lazer that looks like bottle carrying milk one amusment park called candeler park a park
that carrys the toodler a speicies that cold harm a aphid while other kids cary on the purpuse to go on rocking horses a galactic evil planing to scream at there mommy this footage was found 15 years ago the spaceships name is the special bus killing freaks called A.PHI.D alien physics
hard intelngince dead bugs this force is runned by a janitor nammed kitty grits ducky the ducky family was 12 pepole Gertrude beunett gruoge turnstone malfron nigel quint montogo all
amy hido goop silk and pole invented this spacepad of kids to be continued

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