Welcome to Dr.Feelbeeter's Shopping Extravaganza in time for christmas, today we are talking to you about your election addiction. Since 2007 you've been injecting yourself with all this crap with Mccain Vs. Obama, Obama is a terrorist, John Mccain is found endorsing an Iraqi carbonated beverage known as Bom-Usa today we are going to be talking about this problem you have.The first step is buying my election addiction gum called Electionette It uses a little bit of Sarah Palin's Stupidity, A dash of nutmeg, And alot of Drugs. Then buying my "You can quit but your not trying hard enough, Yes I am, No your not, Go to heel, Its actually hell,Shut up you stupid retard." CD set its filled with lots of intresting seminars like "Obama Never Was A Terrorist It was a lie", "Joe the plumber is actually a fry cook" ,and "YAY, we dont have to watch the news anymore for 4 years!" that are truly miraculous and make a perfect gift. Mabye its a little harder for you so thats why we created the "Dr.Feelbetter's sewaside commiter 3000" it kills you in just 3 easy steps and its customizable so you can choose whether you want hanging or being stabbed with a knife.We also have the official wee little obama's for your kids. Theyre so cute. Theyres a sale going on the wee lil obamas 75% on! you can also get Tivo's with every news report on the election known to man! Also we have the newest Females in 2012 T-Shirt wth Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin. Or both for that SNL shirt you wanted but never got. Speaking of which wev'e got all the CNN reporters as barbie and ken dolls and for a limited time only Electionmon trading cards with a limited edition Palinchu Foil Card. So come on in and shop the right way with Your election addiction curing superstore DFS.
All sales final people buying the Electionette gum experienced rotting eyeballs bleeding vomiting constant urge to wipe but snot kidneystones and gas zorin is not meant to imply to any current events results may vary .We are not responsible for any sewasides cofee makers blowing up. Tivos were stolen. Wolf blitzer ken doll does not talk palinchu stuffed doll out of stock go away buy the stuff dont read this why are you ahh loser.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Debate Prep For IKNN

Fox: Hello I'm your moderator Fox Rudolph here with the best political team on blogger and we are just hours away from witnessing an old man make a fool of himself on live television. So since we have little time on our hands and the night is young we'll bring you our predictions on the debate. For our first question: How will the candidates react to the economic crisis.

Eisinhower: You know Fox John Mcain really is good at debates especially in the town hall format so thats why I didnt watch the debate last week because I knew he would win. But overall I think Mcain knows what he is talking about, unless he's talking about Obama. The economy he would handle well In my opinion he's gonna just blabber about taxes and be retarted for 90 minutes. But i still love you Mcain.

Fox:I see... well we got lucky enough to get in touch with vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Ms.Palin are you in.
Palin:Hello out there in New York.
Fox:Uh yes Ms.Palin what do you define as a Washington outsider.
Palin: Well Fox you know ive never been outside of good old Alaska where we can see russia from my houe.
Fox:Thats Just Wonderful... Now what is your view on what makes a maverick well a maverick.
Palin: Well you know i'd like to answer that question but ive got this great joke we tell in Alaska how do you tell the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?
Fox: Lipstick
Palin: Wow you know that joke like a native alaskan.
Fox: Just one more question do you believe global warming is manmade.
Palin:No its just god giving us a big hug.
Fox:Okay that was Vice Presidential Pick Sarah Palin

Clarice: Well here we have multiple Undecided voters who each have a device that will affect the little line you see at the bottom of your screen weve explained to them how to use it. Now we will talk to one of these randomly selected unsworn voters
Voter:Hey Mom thanks for letting me talk on TV.
Clarice:Your welcome now who do you support in this race
Voter:I dont support nobody im a undecided duh.
Clarice:Back To you fox.

Fox:Well its almost time for the debate im sleepy and we will be back soon with poll results until then goodnight
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Arden For President
Today there's been a lot of debate over fuel prices should we drill or should we not drill in Yellowstone national park.If im to be elected president i will in alternate clean fuels such as Antimatter and Isotopes.Also ill send out all the economic stimulus checks you want so you just email me when you want an economic stimulus package.Ill also open up forums online so i can get in touch with people.Ill make taxes more affordable and just by calling a 1-800 number you can pay the low low price of 19.95$.Ill also end our current war in Iraq and start a new war with our real enemies Utah,and Canada.So what are you waiting for vote for me you wont regret.
Seriously though don't vote for me.
Seriously though don't vote for me.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labor Day
The day after tomorrow is a very special day its labor day the day when everyone celebrates their job...By not doing it.Wow I never noticed how STUPID that is until now.I do like the day of in all but still shouldn't you celebrate you working by working?
Did the government just want a day off or something.So I officially decree that September 1st 2008 should now be called No Labor Day when we celebrate the lazy bum inside us all.Where all the doctors don't give a care about "Some stranger we Dont know about who is injured" and fry cooks get paid double to make mediocre burgers all day.So this labor day just be that lazy bum we all know you are.
Did the government just want a day off or something.So I officially decree that September 1st 2008 should now be called No Labor Day when we celebrate the lazy bum inside us all.Where all the doctors don't give a care about "Some stranger we Dont know about who is injured" and fry cooks get paid double to make mediocre burgers all day.So this labor day just be that lazy bum we all know you are.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Reminding the world Obama Will Win
Well Elections Are Coming Soon i want to add some memoroblia of the political punch line President bush.So lets remind everyone about why we should vote democratically.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Holiday Mascot REJECTS
Well with the holidays starting right after Halloween I figure its time to tell of the marvelous rejects of the holiday mascots.You know Santa Claus,The Easter Bunny you know the ones you tell your kids to make them shut the crap up yeah those.Well Santa went through Mr. or Mrs. Mascot yeah so enjoy this montage.
Norman New Year-Every new years eve he would slide down the new years day pole and put a diaper under your pillow filled with baby new years crap.He unfortunately was kicked off and his tribal flame was extuinguished.
Black Friday Bluebird-He Sings the pleasant sound of company jingles and lays eggs filled with promotions.He unfortunately was kidnapped by Russians and forced into Communism.
Birthdta Caklaus-when its your birthday make sure to leave ice cream and syrup for Birthdta Caklaus if you do he will give you a fresh birthday cake in your leiderhosen and shnitzels via email.Why he wasnt excepted well Radda Radda Radda Radda.
Halloweenie on every halloween night if you stay up till midnight the butcher cuts the fresh weiners in half and feed it to notty boys and girls.
Well there you have it be extra good so Hallowenie dosent show up at your house
Norman New Year-Every new years eve he would slide down the new years day pole and put a diaper under your pillow filled with baby new years crap.He unfortunately was kicked off and his tribal flame was extuinguished.
Black Friday Bluebird-He Sings the pleasant sound of company jingles and lays eggs filled with promotions.He unfortunately was kidnapped by Russians and forced into Communism.
Birthdta Caklaus-when its your birthday make sure to leave ice cream and syrup for Birthdta Caklaus if you do he will give you a fresh birthday cake in your leiderhosen and shnitzels via email.Why he wasnt excepted well Radda Radda Radda Radda.
Halloweenie on every halloween night if you stay up till midnight the butcher cuts the fresh weiners in half and feed it to notty boys and girls.
Well there you have it be extra good so Hallowenie dosent show up at your house
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dont You Buy JC Penny Dont Dont Dont
Well summers pretty much dead after being shot multiple times by the school system we all have to face the reality of Bullies,Standardized Tests,and Black Friday.Well before the massive failures,Wedgies,Or new 2 disc special editions of MOMMY FIGHTS Season 2 Brawl at the mall we have to deal with the harshest reality of all Back To School Shopping.Dont worry we have some helpful hints on buying the least amount of crap with your Christmas budget.First and foremost Back to school shopping lists are for Wiping your butt on.For example one time i got this awesome back pack that was awesome well all my teachers said it was "Harder to Organize" or whatever but our crappy society tells us we have to do that list so be just a little rebellious.Next and more importantly is your backpack just a word Dont buy any Target,Wal-Mart,K-Mart,Or Buy n Large Backpacks.after the first day of school they rip open and are useless :(. Now that ive explained Supply safety lets talk Commercial safety.If your about to commit sew aside from that Retarded JC Penny Commercial ("Dont You Forget About Me Dont Dont Dont").Now first im going to be very fair and say if your watching TV all summer you're a bum go outside for Petes own sake go in the pool.But if you insist a good tip is just mute it so you dont have to hear dont multiple times so what are you waiting for Go let the public school system eat your wallet drink some lemonade and watch mommy fights!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Summer Movies 1 Review
Its Summer the time people spend by the beach reading dumb books about stolen art and losers dating. But now we can all stay inside where its nice and air conditioned and watch good movies.Unfortunately some of them suck really bad now im gonna review every summer movie ive seen in a swirling cornucopia of every directors dream and somes worst nightmare
Iron Man-Really Iron Mans my favorite superhero.Its great seeing a self centered butt hole turn into a Good old Democrat.But it was kinda weird seeing the bad people being iraqis not chinese people.Plus they have to have a love life why Pepper Potts.Shes a freaking geezer in the comics not some lady.But even though it wasnt true to the comic its a great movie.Tony Stark was great he had a wii i loved it alot. 95%
Speed Racer-Alot of people criticize Speed Racer saying it was stupid i say good things about it was great the special effects were amazing the story was great and probably the best Racecar movie ive ever seen. 90%
Indiana Jones:Kingdom of the crystal skull
Ive always wanted a Indy Star Wars Crossover except i had no clue it would end up to this.Harrison ford looks like he just came out of the old folks home the return of Marion was odd and the amount of CGI wound up to make it feel animated and cartoony the fact its based in the 60s is as stupid plus ALIENS Lucas have you lost it its overall crazy crappy. 54%
Prince Caspian
Long story short narnias about to be sold as real estate when Ben Barnes meets Jackie Jenny Lucas and Carl the fight the idiot tamarins and go fight evildoers but Susan and peters contract with walden expires so you will never see those to again but really this movie is awful lame. 85%
Get Smart
Ahh the first hillarious movie its sleek and stupid Russians antoginize with anne hathaway (21) and Steve Carell (40) Dating and Really Bad Action Sequences youll pee in your pants laughing. 93%
Kung Fu Panda
Action Movie yes Comedy no its physical gags plus crappy jokes with good characters and good kung fu but of all things dont expect comedy please.
A good addition to pixars wall of fame all though this one felt High cost of low pricey and secretly backing Obama but still its great its funny and plays hello Dolly alot but still a excellent movie. 98%
Well thats it ill be back with more reviews
Iron Man-Really Iron Mans my favorite superhero.Its great seeing a self centered butt hole turn into a Good old Democrat.But it was kinda weird seeing the bad people being iraqis not chinese people.Plus they have to have a love life why Pepper Potts.Shes a freaking geezer in the comics not some lady.But even though it wasnt true to the comic its a great movie.Tony Stark was great he had a wii i loved it alot. 95%
Speed Racer-Alot of people criticize Speed Racer saying it was stupid i say good things about it was great the special effects were amazing the story was great and probably the best Racecar movie ive ever seen. 90%
Indiana Jones:Kingdom of the crystal skull
Ive always wanted a Indy Star Wars Crossover except i had no clue it would end up to this.Harrison ford looks like he just came out of the old folks home the return of Marion was odd and the amount of CGI wound up to make it feel animated and cartoony the fact its based in the 60s is as stupid plus ALIENS Lucas have you lost it its overall crazy crappy. 54%
Prince Caspian
Long story short narnias about to be sold as real estate when Ben Barnes meets Jackie Jenny Lucas and Carl the fight the idiot tamarins and go fight evildoers but Susan and peters contract with walden expires so you will never see those to again but really this movie is awful lame. 85%
Get Smart
Ahh the first hillarious movie its sleek and stupid Russians antoginize with anne hathaway (21) and Steve Carell (40) Dating and Really Bad Action Sequences youll pee in your pants laughing. 93%
Kung Fu Panda
Action Movie yes Comedy no its physical gags plus crappy jokes with good characters and good kung fu but of all things dont expect comedy please.
A good addition to pixars wall of fame all though this one felt High cost of low pricey and secretly backing Obama but still its great its funny and plays hello Dolly alot but still a excellent movie. 98%
Well thats it ill be back with more reviews
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Makings Of a Classsic fairy tale

In 2003 a book called the Tale Of Despero was released now sometime in the next year universal will be releasing a movie on this.Now on the Little kiddy Regal Firstlook i saw promos for that dumb Space Chimps Movie and Journey To The Center of the earth.Well one was a promo for that despero movie that they claimed to be a CLASSIC Fairy tale.Well to help universal and the retard writer of despero help classify a Classic Fairy Tail ive made a few hints.First of all the authors name must rhyme with Smuthers Himm or Sans Histian Manderson or something like that.Next it has to be written before 1985 not 2003 im serious call a 5 year old baby a oldy goldy and people will consider you a freaking idiot! Also there has to be SOME Blood and Gore because seriously disney movies are like a coke without bubbles all the actual classic fairy tales have some gore.Well Hope your tiny brains are not overloaded if you want you can get some hot milk and read it slower universal i know reading is big and bad
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Appliance Direct! (Wakkie Nu Nu)
Well i suppose your curious this is endlessly looping in Florida theres more i will post so enjoy i guess
First Art Works The Greatest Intellectual Property Hiest of the Century!

Yeah when I have a day off and have nothing to do I guess I might as well write some posts.First of all I love making money by drawing its great seriously I can get 50 bucks selling Mario For President Bumper stickers all the freaking time.Now First Art Works is a different story first they come to Your school and ask "Let us use YOUR property and steal students art and make a art show so your students have to buy stuff they made and we will give you 20% of all our profit." Ok the 20% part was sorta wholesome but they said PROFIT not Gross so thats mabye 2 bucks a painting so mabye alltogether assuming everyone shelled out 30$ to get thier kids painting(s) it might be 200$.Next You have a loophole on the first art works website it says "The person with the access code (provided by the school) has first choice to purchase the Original art package. If the Original art package is purchased online prior to the show, the art will be shipped to the purchaser and will NOT be on display at the show. " In other words Beef O Bradys CAN Buy My art if my mom is lazy and dosent buy my art the school any bum who cames to the Art Show Can Buy my art AND could wind up Anywhere.I want a piece of the pie!Yeah so i can get attention please view the site. http://www.firstartworks.com/index.html
Monday, May 12, 2008
Curse You Miley Cyrus+Notice on Further Young Grindle Podts
Yes another cruel post about the redneck (Pop) star Miley Cyrus.We all know about that bedsheet thing and really I KNEW this would happen.Lets Get real the past 3 Disney Stars have seen the light of nudity why should a (wholesome) redneck not carry the torch.Now really to say that this photo is "artsy" is so STUPID.The Bedsheets are artsy not Miley.Look im not slandering opinions im making a point Nudity during "The Rennisance" was artsy this is Wackie Nu Nu.Any way I will seriously bring it back im going to post it sometime this month ... I hope
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A Dumb Idea
Im going to give you a act i honestly hate burger king despise it id put it to a end but i must say i really think this was the worst marketing pitch destroyed by my blog i watch american idol so i saw some commercials really butchering actually good music but it came to me that i say this video is sorta funny its BKs whopper Freakout so while this videos funny and all i cant help but feel bad its kinda a mediocre way of advertizing but however ( not trying to sound like Leonard Maltin) Shows the usas dependency on burgers and since valintines day is coming up i thought id write some realistic fic on this enjoy
Da Burger
Paul looked at it it was lovely he felt like shelling out cash just for clothes for it there it was a big mac he took a bite but it tasted odd he looked close at it the patty was manure and the tomato was a cocroach he still spit out he ran to the front of the line he cried" Im on a diet and this is the only burger i eat in 1000 days" he started crying the manager looked and said "listen this is a marketing campaign and ill give ya yer slop later but no promises about saliva on it but youll eat" he ran away he was sick of eating that weightwatchers crap and needed a burger he went home to see if the burger kings were closed and this is what he saw he cried and ran to his closet he got his husky clothes and started to tie knots until he made a nouse he quickly strung his neck and died his chubby dieting friend cried his one pal had died if only food service was good
Da Burger
Paul looked at it it was lovely he felt like shelling out cash just for clothes for it there it was a big mac he took a bite but it tasted odd he looked close at it the patty was manure and the tomato was a cocroach he still spit out he ran to the front of the line he cried" Im on a diet and this is the only burger i eat in 1000 days" he started crying the manager looked and said "listen this is a marketing campaign and ill give ya yer slop later but no promises about saliva on it but youll eat" he ran away he was sick of eating that weightwatchers crap and needed a burger he went home to see if the burger kings were closed and this is what he saw he cried and ran to his closet he got his husky clothes and started to tie knots until he made a nouse he quickly strung his neck and died his chubby dieting friend cried his one pal had died if only food service was good
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
2008 the year of the myspace
Hi now its the new year so my new years resolution is well nothing because hitler became evil by a new years resolutions and now look your using so called eco friendly crap like fords the edge so anyway i wanted to warn you about the following thing its called O.S.N.W its a website that is not good or funny now its what all the presidential candidates do adults theres even a colledge my friends i must warn you so ill hurt it its Social networking websites its crap its summer buetiful and its raining money and flamethrowers theyre editing my profile and using Adobe Photoshop to make you look sexy so you can invite online predators to abduct you and have sex with you ( if your lucky its Mit Romni) and heres the best part it has gifts there 1$ that is spent on a virtual panda with a t shirt saying BUY CRAP well its not enouh to any colledge students tht read my blog write that paper dont go there go here and dont buy webkinz
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