Yeah when I have a day off and have nothing to do I guess I might as well write some posts.First of all I love making money by drawing its great seriously I can get 50 bucks selling Mario For President Bumper stickers all the freaking time.Now First Art Works is a different story first they come to Your school and ask "Let us use YOUR property and steal students art and make a art show so your students have to buy stuff they made and we will give you 20% of all our profit." Ok the 20% part was sorta wholesome but they said PROFIT not Gross so thats mabye 2 bucks a painting so mabye alltogether assuming everyone shelled out 30$ to get thier kids painting(s) it might be 200$.Next You have a loophole on the first art works website it says "The person with the access code (provided by the school) has first choice to purchase the Original art package. If the Original art package is purchased online prior to the show, the art will be shipped to the purchaser and will NOT be on display at the show. " In other words Beef O Bradys CAN Buy My art if my mom is lazy and dosent buy my art the school any bum who cames to the Art Show Can Buy my art AND could wind up Anywhere.I want a piece of the pie!Yeah so i can get attention please view the site. http://www.firstartworks.com/index.html
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