Fox: Hello I'm your moderator Fox Rudolph here with the best political team on blogger and we are just hours away from witnessing an old man make a fool of himself on live television. So since we have little time on our hands and the night is young we'll bring you our predictions on the debate. For our first question: How will the candidates react to the economic crisis.

Eisinhower: You know Fox John Mcain really is good at debates especially in the town hall format so thats why I didnt watch the debate last week because I knew he would win. But overall I think Mcain knows what he is talking about, unless he's talking about Obama. The economy he would handle well In my opinion he's gonna just blabber about taxes and be retarted for 90 minutes. But i still love you Mcain.

Fox:I see... well we got lucky enough to get in touch with vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Ms.Palin are you in.
Palin:Hello out there in New York.
Fox:Uh yes Ms.Palin what do you define as a Washington outsider.
Palin: Well Fox you know ive never been outside of good old Alaska where we can see russia from my houe.
Fox:Thats Just Wonderful... Now what is your view on what makes a maverick well a maverick.
Palin: Well you know i'd like to answer that question but ive got this great joke we tell in Alaska how do you tell the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?
Fox: Lipstick
Palin: Wow you know that joke like a native alaskan.
Fox: Just one more question do you believe global warming is manmade.
Palin:No its just god giving us a big hug.
Fox:Okay that was Vice Presidential Pick Sarah Palin

Clarice: Well here we have multiple Undecided voters who each have a device that will affect the little line you see at the bottom of your screen weve explained to them how to use it. Now we will talk to one of these randomly selected unsworn voters
Voter:Hey Mom thanks for letting me talk on TV.
Clarice:Your welcome now who do you support in this race
Voter:I dont support nobody im a undecided duh.
Clarice:Back To you fox.

Fox:Well its almost time for the debate im sleepy and we will be back soon with poll results until then goodnight
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