Welcome to Dr.Feelbeeter's Shopping Extravaganza in time for christmas, today we are talking to you about your election addiction. Since 2007 you've been injecting yourself with all this crap with Mccain Vs. Obama, Obama is a terrorist, John Mccain is found endorsing an Iraqi carbonated beverage known as Bom-Usa today we are going to be talking about this problem you have.The first step is buying my election addiction gum called Electionette It uses a little bit of Sarah Palin's Stupidity, A dash of nutmeg, And alot of Drugs. Then buying my "You can quit but your not trying hard enough, Yes I am, No your not, Go to heel, Its actually hell,Shut up you stupid retard." CD set its filled with lots of intresting seminars like "Obama Never Was A Terrorist It was a lie", "Joe the plumber is actually a fry cook" ,and "YAY, we dont have to watch the news anymore for 4 years!" that are truly miraculous and make a perfect gift. Mabye its a little harder for you so thats why we created the "Dr.Feelbetter's sewaside commiter 3000" it kills you in just 3 easy steps and its customizable so you can choose whether you want hanging or being stabbed with a knife.We also have the official wee little obama's for your kids. Theyre so cute. Theyres a sale going on the wee lil obamas 75% on! you can also get Tivo's with every news report on the election known to man! Also we have the newest Females in 2012 T-Shirt wth Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin. Or both for that SNL shirt you wanted but never got. Speaking of which wev'e got all the CNN reporters as barbie and ken dolls and for a limited time only Electionmon trading cards with a limited edition Palinchu Foil Card. So come on in and shop the right way with Your election addiction curing superstore DFS.
All sales final people buying the Electionette gum experienced rotting eyeballs bleeding vomiting constant urge to wipe but snot kidneystones and gas zorin is not meant to imply to any current events results may vary .We are not responsible for any sewasides cofee makers blowing up. Tivos were stolen. Wolf blitzer ken doll does not talk palinchu stuffed doll out of stock go away buy the stuff dont read this why are you ahh loser.