YOU GET WHAT IM DOING TH CAPS LOCK FOR JINGLES OH YEAH THIS POST well it was 5days ago FRIDAY TO BE EXACT I THINK I WOULD,VE BROUGHT EAR MUFFS RIGHT RIGHT well it was bout 2 30 time and do you know what A little call by the
secretary as the class walked to the gym i thought could it be about the caffetiera and you know what Happend then nothin but talin about next week it seems like tell us somthing we dont know and guess what a dumb jingle that went crct got nothin on me and they said there is no way we are closing school there were boos of about 50% oh and victiry in you
victory in me victory in you the reson ths jinjle is dull is because ... they already have victory in them did you know they are teachers they like the stuff off all the post try to link iif yu throw up comment with blecccck